Woman to Woman, a group discussion program, was founded and facilitated by Rev. Donna M. Humphries in the spring of 2013. It was held bi-monthly and opened to female offenders and the general populations and originally held at the Madeline L. Olewine Memorial Library and Kline Library. In… Continue reading
Breakfasts and luncheons have been hosted in Harrisburg and Pittsburgh, PA since 2003 and have been attended by women from area halfway houses, senior centers and the church at-large as follows: 2003 and 2004 at the Neighborhood Center, United Methodist Church (Harrisburg, PA); 2009 and 2011 at Lincoln Avenue Church… Continue reading
Welcome to HeavenGates Ministries, Inc. I’m excited that you took the time to visit with us and peruse our new website. Know that a special prayer of peace, joy, good health, and thanksgiving has been prayed for you. Remember, you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Sister Donna